Empowering Communities Through Innovation

We utilize organic and agricultural waste

Our Business Model


Waste to Energy

Manufacturing bio fire briquettes for commercial cooking.


Protein feed project

Transforming Agriculture: Black Soldier Fly Sustainable Farming.


Social Entrepreneurship Training

Equipping Women and Youth with Essential Skills through Social Entrepreneurship Training.

Dealing with organic waste.

Our Main business is to manufacture & supply briquettes / other biomass products to existing users made of organic and agricultural waste such as coffee husks, bagasse that are an alternative source of energy. Our briquettes are produced through a process that includes collection organic and agricultural by-products, carbonization, pressing, and compacting.

Focusing on Sustainability.

We align with SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) by providing renewable energy solutions through our sustainable briquettes, contributing to both mitigating climate change and ensuring access to clean energy.


Over 10,000 tones of waste reused per month.


0.5 million tons of C02 Offset.


20 jobs + created.


35 Women and Youth trained.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Absolutely impressed with SWEDO Briquettes! We’ve been using these briquettes for our cooking needs, and they have exceeded our expectations. Not only are they eco-friendly, but they also provide consistent heat. Highly recommend.


/ Manager, Muru Restaurant Kintitale.

We pay close attention to every detail,
so there’s no need for you to worry.

Burn Longer


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